Protect the earth
Committed to a sustainable future
BC GREEN is committed to a sustainable future, corporately and for the communities we service.
As a responsible corporate citizen, we are dedicated to making positive changes that affect not only how we operate, but how we impact the environment. Introducing smaller, more fuel-efficient fleet vehicles, initiating environmental assessments of our corporate facilities and attempting to reduce the volume of debris and waste transported to landfills, are just a few of the practices implemented to reduce our impact.
Our Sustainability Guidlines
Chemical Usage
We have implemented the acquisition and maintenance of Safety Data Sheets. We continue to work toward replacing all chemicals used in our business with biodegradable, environmentally friendly products.
BC GREEN uses energy efficient equipment that increases drying efficiency by cutting down on drying time and increases the likelihood of saving building materials in structures when possible, rather than tearing out building materials that will ultimately fill landfill sites.
BC GREEN uses Tablet technology reducing paper use by encouraging our customers sign all forms electronically for easy uploading or pdf file attachments.
BC GREEN is committed to reviewing the type of vehicles and the usage of vehicles with a focus on reducing our carbon footprint.
Waste Disposal
We are committed to the safe and legal disposal of company generated hazardous waste. All company employees are considered environment stewards and are responsible to ensure that no hazardous waste or material is discharged into the environment, groundwater, sewers, water systems, soil, air, or landfill.